The Accolades are preparing for their upcoming show -- their first in several years and their first with their new director, Alana. (See flyer on Home page) They are busy learning new songs, while working to finesse others in the repertoire. They are also having fun with costumes and choreography. And they're receiving valuable coaching from Jordan Travis at several rehearsal evenings and from Nicky McGrath at a retreat weekend planned for early April.
Meanwhile, our January Open House brought us a number of enthusiastic singers, many of whom have decided to stay on and join the chorus. We are excited to have these talented women join us and look forward to their having a role in our show and singing with us at contest.
Thanks to the generous support of the Kennedy Road Charitable Gaming Association, the Toronto Accolades were able to make significant Christmas donations to several of our neighbourhood charities again this year. By volunteering at the Gaming Centre, we receive funds not only to assist our own organization but also to help out worthwhile charities such as the ones listed below.
The Toronto Accolades were able to offer NeighbourLink North York a cheque for $8000 to help in the establishment of their second food hub in our community. Maria Speare, Executive Director of NeighbourLink North York, received the cheque from Beth Mahy, President of the Toronto Accolades. Lisa and Lynn from the Accolades also joined the presentation.
Beth, along with Lisa and Lynn, also presented a $8,000 cheque to Judith Reda at the North York Harvest Food Bank. Food banks are in great need of assistance, as they have seen demand almost double over the past few years.
Beth, Lisa and Lynn also met with Brent Perry to present him with a $8,000 cheque for the Salvation Army--Toronto Division.
Again with the generous support of Kennedy Road Charitable Gaming Association, the Toronto Accolades were able to present a $8,000 cheque to the North York Women's Shelter. Here Lisa made the presentation to Cheryl Denomy, with Beth and Lynn also in attendance.