Become a member

We love to receive new members

Interested in joining? Not sure if we’re right for you?

Barbershop brings women together. Whether you were a music major in college or you just like to sing in the shower, Harmony connects people from all backgrounds, ages, and musical abilities to create a community where you can not only sing, but find a space to connect with other strong and dedicated people just like you.  For decades, we've provided a venue for women to express themselves, make quality music together, and form bonds beyond measure, and we invite you to join us for the ride.

Come out to a rehearsal and see what the Toronto Accolades are all about. We rehearse every Thursday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Earl Bales Community Centre, 4169 Bathurst St., just south of Sheppard, in Toronto.

We welcome guests and work with them to find out their voice range and to determine what part (lead, tenor, baritone or bass) they would sing best. Guests are given a music folder and encouraged to participate in singing with the chorus in subsequent weeks. Although we continually strive for musical excellence, prior musical training is not necessary to belong to our chorus. We provide everyone with sheet music, audio learning tracks, education and guidance. At the end of 6 weeks, we ask each prospective member to audition, to ensure that she can hold her part in a four-part harmony song.

Email our membership chair, if you are interested in making music with us.

Text Lisa Taylor: 647-886-1766,

Copyright © 2025 Toronto Accolades